Will you restock items that are sold out?
The idea behind Dandelion bloom is to create dolls that are constantly evolving and changing. While we may have some late bloomers (which are spare dolls from the production process) a little later, we don’t plan to have restocks at this time.
Do you offer a sanding or stringing service?
We personally do not have the time to do this but we can definitely give you the information for bee munchers that can!
What are the different lines?
The first dolls were our Dandelion Moon line. They are 38cm professionally cast dolls. The blooms, seedlings, pets, little buds are 3D Printed kits for you to finish at home. Blossoms are larger YOSD sized versions of our blooms that are cast.
Do you still make wigs?
Due to severe allergies I am unable to at this time. However we hope to reformulate so that one day I can return to wig work. Which we probably won’t offer wigs for dolls outside our own anymore and we probably won’t accept commissions to anyone who isn’t a friend, there may be the occasional premade.
What size eyes does X take?
Generally Moons take 12mm eyes. Blossoms 14-16mm. Blooms are usually 8mm but some can fit 6mm at times. Pets and seedlings are usually 6mm but its a good idea to check the individual listings for exact measurements.
Are there limitations with 3D Printed Resin?
Blooms and their friends are made in a way to prevent breakages. It is true that printed resin can be a little fragile compared to cast resin but we’ve done extensive testing our our products to ensure that they are strong. Like all BJD, you don’t want to keep them in direct sunlight a lot and you do need to spray the entire doll with UV Cut sealant afterwards to protect it after sanding. You can use the same faceup materials as you would a normal BJD to paint them.